When it comes to choosing a lorry, there are several elements to take into account, including alternative solutions like rental, used vehicles and EX Rent. Depending on the travel requirements and particular situation of the person looking to acquire a lorry, one option may be more appropriate than another.
What should you consider before choosing a lorry (make the font smaller)
Buying a lorry is a delicate operation, not only because it clearly involves a certain financial commitment, but also because it is, of course, a work tool that must meet your needs. These needs may vary depending on the travel routes, average length of individual routes and average miles covered each month.
Indeed, there are lorries that are used for very long distances, e.g. international or inter-regional, while other lorries cover shorter distances, within their own region or between neighbouring regions.
Average daily and monthly mileage (see above)
Different vehicles will be more or less suitable depending on the length of the daily route and the average monthly mileage. For very long routes, covering many miles each month, then the driver may be away from home for long periods of time and the vehicle will need to be equipped with all the necessary comforts. Additionally, lorries that are used for longer routes usually carry larger loads and require greater capacity. This, however, can affect consumption and may lead to higher costs if the vehicle is older.
Rental, Used or Ex Rent? What’s the best deal? (see above)
There are basically three alternatives to buying new.
1. Long-term rental for very high mileage
Renting a vehicle over the short or long term is a choice that was particularly popular during the first Covid period. At that time, in fact, there was much uncertainty about the future and many companies turned to this service to get through the crisis period without having to make major investments.
Today, however, it is still a viable alternative for those who want a new vehicle, but it would be a mistake to think of it as only suitable as a short-term solution.
In fact, long-term rental is a particularly good choice for hauliers who do very high mileage. For example, those who cover 9,000 miles a month or more could gain a lot from this arrangement. Paying less than for a new vehicle, you get one that is always in perfect condition, with regular maintenance and all the checks provided for in the agreement. With the service offered by CGT Trucks, for example, you get a complete service that also includes insurance coverage, management of stamp duty and inspections, roadside assistance and a replacement vehicle in the event of a breakdown.
2. Ex Rent service: specially for major deals
The Ex Rent service is specially designed for CGT Trucks’ customers and offers the option of buying lorries from the rental fleet. These are vehicles that are a few years old but still in excellent condition with relatively low mileage. They also undergo a very thorough preparation procedure and regular maintenance making the vehicle as good as new.
The ExRent service is recommended for long distances of around 4-6 thousand miles per month – relatively high mileage but not so high as to make a new vehicle or a long-term rental more suitable.
3. Used vehicle purchase: ideal for shorter distances
Finally, the ideal solution for those needing to replace their vehicle can be buying a used lorry. Some very attractive bargains can be found in this range of low-priced vehicles. Although they are typically older than the ExRent, they are vehicles that come with a guarantee. CGT Trucks has inspected lorries that can guarantee excellent operational reliability at an affordable cost. In some cases, buyers may also be provided with service agreements. Used lorries are perfect for shorter distances – around 3-4 thousand miles per month – and can be used as excellent service vehicles.