Re-Evolution Technologies is CGT’s new project aimed at raising awareness of the most advanced technologies and solutions that generate added-value and sustainability. CGT has chosen to illustrate them through its customers’ first-hand experiences: six episodes showing the results that can be achieved through the TESYA Group company’s solutions, which are capable of revolutionising and transforming construction sites, making them safer and more productive and efficient, and consequently more sustainable.
“For CGT, offering solutions that generate added-value and sustainability means, first and foremost, providing customers with guaranteed presence and availability, but also with state-of-the-art technologies, machine and plant productivity control, consultancy and proactive services, in order to support them in every aspect of their business, not just as suppliers, but as true partners capable of understanding their needs and anticipating their requirements”, says Giorgio Brenna, CEO of CGT SpA – “Often, those who speak of sustainability do so with an eye to the future; we, on the other hand, interpret this word in terms of the present, promoting all the solutions and technologies that can improve business performance while reducing the impact in terms of emissions. Re-Evolution Technologies is the communication project that tells the stories of those who have already embarked on the journey of revolutionising and transforming construction sites, perceiving innovation as a driver towards better results and greater environmental protection.”
Each episode features a different company offering its own account of the effectiveness of CGT’s solutions and on the shared journey towards reducing environmental impact – a signpost that CGT hopes will raise awareness amongst industry professionals of the importance of working together for sustainable development.
The first three episodes of Re-Evolution Technologies focus on the technologies and solutions used by Cat Certified Rebuild, Cantiere Next Generation and KontrolON. These will be followed by three more videos covering quarrying and construction, as well as energy generation, another sector served by CGT through solutions and systems that improve customers’ production efficiency.
All the videos will be posted on the company’s social channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube) and on the website: