The project in collaboration with the Federation CNOS-FAPTHE PROJECT IN COLLABORATION WITH THE FEDERATION CNOS-FAP (National Centre for Salesian Works – CNOS) to train Technicians for industry 4.0
“Our goal is to make a tangible contribution to society by supporting young people and working in a structured way with technical institutes to help them understand the advantages of this career and the opportunities it can offer. I believe that being a technician nowadays, with the tools available, is an intellectually much more stimulating profession than many others that are considered to be ‘cool’. Within our Group, if a person is keen to do something, we support them in their professional growth, so much so that they can go on to become workshop managers or technical service and product salespeople and managers. This shared educational and training mission has thus led the Tesya Group and the Salesian ‘Training Centre’ to set up a joint project to help young people find employment and enable them to make informed choices by supporting them throughout their training,” says Lino Tedeschi, TESYA GROUP President and CEO.
The project aims to train professionals through the one-year IFTS course by setting the ITS as a framework for potential and desirable 2.0 phases. The overall objective of the course is to train professionals to fill the role of a high-tech technician able to work on advanced mechatronic systems used in industry. A professional role that falls within the category of professions involved in the maintenance of mechanical, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic equipment, using diagnostic tools and applying preventive, predictive and prognostic methodologies inspired by Industry 4.0 frameworks.
The shortage of professionals in TESYA Group’s target sector and in the countries where it operates, and the high percentage of youth unemployment, a scourge that has always been close to the heart of the Salesian world, whose focus is on the dignity of work as a route to fulfilment and redemption for young people, have thus given rise to this project with its potential for significant social impact. In fact, we are counting on the synergy of the two networks: TESYA with its presence in Italy, the Balkan countries and the Iberian peninsula, and the network of Salesian Professional Centres/Schools present in a large number of countries.
“The devaluing of manual labour in recent decades has resulted in a serious shortage of people capable of performing activities requiring hand intelligence in various countries, while at the same time contributing to an increase in the numbers of unemployed people, NEETs and those in a state of disempowerment,” states Don Fabrizio Bonalume, Managing Director of the Salesian ‘Training Centre’. “In order to reverse this trend, a decisive policy shift is needed to support and encourage a programme promoting manual labour, aimed both at secondary school students and their families, as well as at technical and higher education students interested in a practical and satisfying vocational job prospect; whilst also with regard to education for work, a policy to relaunch training courses that teach work skills”.
The pilot project will start in Lombardy, Italy, as part of the current course run by ITS Lombardia Mechatronica, which provides 400 hours of in-company training out of the total 1000 hours scheduled for the training year and includes the following technical-professional training units: Production processes; Industrial plant management; Organisation of maintenance services; Data analysis and maintenance software 4.0; Behaviour of main technical materials; Diagnostic methods and tools; Installation and maintenance of mechanical systems; Installation and maintenance of electrical and electronic systems; Installation and maintenance of pneumatic and hydraulic systems; Integrated automation.
“Human capital is a key factor for our Group, which has a people-centred perspective built into its DNA, and it is increasingly crucial nowadays in terms of business competitiveness and economic growth” – says Andrea Camera, TESYA Group’s HR Director – “Beginning with this assumption, we have developed this project with a firm belief in the partnership between business and the education system. We want to contribute to restoring the central role of technical education, from compulsory guidance to updating programmes for 4.0 training, encouraging lifelong learning through predictive models that address the skills needed for the future and with a special focus on technical secondary schools.” With these objectives in mind, the project represents the baseline from which to design a more comprehensive course of action, not only nationally but also internationally in the countries where the TESYA Group operates.