TESYA Group’s STARTech gets underway: the project’s first two countries to train and hire young technicians for Industry 4.0 are Italy and Spain

The STARTech programme, a theory-and-practice training course promoted by the TESYA Group in conjunction with the Opere Salesiane’s European network, is officially underway. The programme is a testament to the Group’s commitment to training and supporting young talent, aiming to reduce the mismatch between high demand and low supply of specialized technicians.

An internationally-minded programme that the TESYA Group plans to extend throughout the countries in which it operates, STARTech got underway on 16 October in Italy, at the ITS Mechatronica Salesiani in Sesto San Giovanni (Milan)—the first school to be involved in the initiative. The design of the training programme was a joint effort on the part of the CNOS-FAP National Federation, CNOS FAP Lombardy, ITS Mechatronics and the Gi Group, and involves a combination of classroom learning and work-based training and shadowing in-company on an apprenticeship contract. At the end of the course, students will receive a certificate of professional technical specialization, with the aim being to offer them a permanent position in one of the Group’s companies.

A few days after the Italian launch, STARTech made a second significant step on the Iberian Peninsula. TESYA Group company and Caterpillar dealer in Spain, Finanzauto, signed a similar agreement with the Salesians to offer specialized training to students taking part in Vocational Training (Formazione Professionale—FP) at their own facilities. With this second agreement—signed on 18 October—students from the Salesian Centre in Madrid will have access to a one-year internship contract with the company, enabling them to put their knowledge into practice in a working environment, while continuing their training.

STARTech’s goal is to reduce the gap between demand and supply of Industry 4.0 specialist technicians, which are currently in short supply. Two of the most sought-after job profiles in Italy, according to the September forecasts by the Excelsior Information System implemented by Unioncamere and Anpal, are skilled workers (64.2%) and installation and maintenance technicians (67%), profiles that are included in the list of technicians that the STARTech project intends to train.[1] In Spain, the figures reveal a similar situation. According to a study conducted in the country by AstraRicerche for the TESYA Group, technicians are in growing demand by companies in all sectors, but there is a shortage of skilled workers. At the same time, according to the Data and Figures report for the Academic Year 2022-2023, drawn up by the Ministry of Education[2], demand for places on vocational training courses has increased significantly in recent years due, in part, to the high rate of employment provided by these courses.

«The mismatch between labour supply and demand, besides bearing incalculable social costs, can also affect the competitiveness of our economic system.  Staff recruitment challenges cost Italy up to €38 billion[3] in 2022 in terms of reduced added-value output. In the coming years, PNRR (Italian National Reform Programme) investments will be some of the most decisive factors for the growth of the economy and employment; the extent of the PNRR’s growth impact will depend, however, on the ability to overcome these recruitment bottlenecks. As a Group, we plan to increase the number of specialist technicians by around 25% between now and 2025, and hire 300 technicians—200 of these in Italy—to continue our growth strategy that aims to create value in new business opportunities linked to the energy transition, digitalization and the sharing economy», commented Lino Tedeschi, Chairman and CEO of the TESYA Group.

TESYA Group HR Director, Andrea Camera added:«Our aim is to make a concrete contribution to society by supporting young people and working in a structured way with technical institutes, vocational training and ITS Foundations to help them understand the advantages of this career path and the prospects it can offer. We firmly believe in the central role of technical education and the benefits of cooperation between companies and the education system. TESYA aims to become a benchmark for technical training in the countries where it operates, providing young people with real opportunities for professional growth and also building the future of our Group».

[1] https://www.anpal.gov.it/-/excelsior-ancora-in-crescita-la-difficolta-delle-imprese-ad-assumere

[2] https://www.educacionyfp.gob.es/dam/jcr:23ffe4f5-a212-4f99-aea4-dd1baac84bd4/datos-y-cifras-2022-2023-espanol.pdf

[3] https://excelsior.unioncamere.net/pubblicazioni/2023/previsioni-dei-fabbisogni-occupazionali-e-professionali-italia-medio-termine